Thursday, October 03, 2013

Coaching for Constables' Recruitment

I had started writing this in Hindi but there is some issue with Google Transliterate and it is not happening. I have no choice but to write in a language that doesn't really do justice to the way we feel and write.

Recruitment of Constables to UP Police is on. It has been decided that a preliminary exam for the same would be conducted on 27th October.There are large number of aspirants in the area of our intervention Patiyali. As resolved we decided to run a preparatory programme. There are 85 aspirants who come to attend the classes that are being held everyday even on Sundays. The mock tests are being administered everyday. The faculty that has been roped in is putting all its efforts to see to it that the boys and girls perform well.

Having said that, there are many issues which act as dampeners. There are complaints of indiscipline. Some of us who travel from Delhi and Lucknow to review find that the aspirants are not ready to apply their minds. They continue to make gross errors even in objective type questions. My own request for remembering the name of RBI governor fell on deaf ears. After a week when I repeated the question in the class only 4 of the 85 present could answer correctly. The faculty tells us that aspirants here think that since one of us is a senior police officer he will ensure their induction. They still believe that police recruitment is all about bribes and connections.

If that is the mindset where are we headed. Initially we had thought we should charge a nominal fee. We had also considered limiting the number of students. But then it was thought that opportunity should be available to everyone who wants to study. Similarly the idea of charging a fee did not find many takers. The young aspirants even than are not willing to put in the effort that needs to be put in.

It is learnt that the strength has gone up to 135 and there is lot of buzz about the classes. But that doesn't excite us as the complaints of indiscipline are also growing. This is the first time and many lessons need to be learnt.

Hope some of the boys and girls will get through.

Team Anubhuti