Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Myaoo, Nathpur and Patiyali

21st of August early morning as it drizzled in parts of Delhi we were getting ready  to proceed to Patiyali. Shahid , Mohit, Arif and Sakhawat joined in a journey that looked challenging. We started a bit late and were therefore able to reach  only at 1630 hrs.

Dharmendra, Sudhir and Amarjeet started from Lucknow and joined us at Etah. In the land of Ameer Khusro, Sajid Bhai was waiting for us as always. After a brief talk we proceeded to Myaoo where a roza iftaar had been organised. All arrangements were in place as Dr Shazeb and Sajid Malik had put in lot of effort in to it. Everything went seamless.

Instead of only one masjid we were able to make arrangements at all the  masjids and this was good as people didnt have to walk long in the rainy season. By the grace of Allah the almighty not a drop of rain disturbed the programme. The affection of the people of Myaoo was unbelievable. They appreciated what Anubhuti Team is doing and Insha Allah we will measure upto their expectations.

Nathpur was required to be visited as the venue for the health camp next morning. It was late but we decided to go. Reaching Nathpur and meeting Hazari lal ji was such a pleasure. He assured us that the venue will be ready and all arrangements would me made to ensure that Medical team and support staff are comfortable.

वापसी हुयी समीर भाई के यहाँ जहाँ रात का खाना भी था. म्याऊ में इतनी लज़ीज़ बिरयानी खाने के बाद किसी को भूख नहीं थी लेकिन समीर भाई की भावनाओं का खूब सम्मान हुआ. मोहित को दूध पीने को क्या मिला लगा मन की मुराद मिल गयी.

रात को साढ़े तीन बजे के करीब लाइट गयी तो सुधीर के अलावा किसी ने करवट भी नहीं बदली. आठ लोग एक कमरे में जहाँ जगह मिली सो गए. सुबह असकसाते हुए उठे लेकिन चाय मिलते ही उर्जा का संचार हुआ. मोहित ने हवा में एक सवाल फैंका जो शाहिद पर targetted था. 30 साल और 40 साल के लोगों यानी बाकी सब और शाहिद में क्या फर्क है. शाहिद के अलावा बाकी सब ने उसका जवाब दिया. शाहिद ने ख़ामोशी अख्तियार कर ली. सोचो शाहिद कब तक खामोश रहोगे. इसमें तो भोले भी नहीं बचाने वाले.

Bhaskar's efforts bore fruits and doctors team reached in time. Babloo's entry with chana chaat was grand. Sajan was down with fever and yet he rose to reach Nathpur much ahead of all of us. And when we reached Nathpur we found that the medicines had already been laid. The dispensary under Sajan's command was ready. Commitment like this will take us places.

Camp was smooth. Everyone believed turn out would be less as it was raining. But we were pleasently surprised. As the day progressed people from nearby villages came in large groups. By evening more than 1400 patients had registered.

In the evening we reached Patiyali. The roza iftaar here was arranged at new tahseel parisar. What massive preparation Sajid Malik had made. Around 1000 people came and it was so well organised. Hats off to you Sajid. Ajay Chaudhryji reached from Delhi.  Qamar Bhai and Furqaan Bhai came from Aligarh. Thank You all so much.

Floods have struck the area and relief is badly needed. We are gearing up and god willing shall be able to chip in with whatever we have.

Return journey was painfull for both the teams. Accidents it seems have become a part of our lives. Both Lucknow and Delhi teams had their share of pain but luckily no one sustained injuries. Vehicles will take some time to return to the roads and we will have to do a rethink on night travel.

Having said that
सफ़र में धूप तो होगी जो चल सको तो चलो
सभी हैं भीड़ में तुम भी निकल सको तो चलो

हर इक सफ़र को है महफूज़ रास्तों की तलाश
   हिफाज़तों की रवायत बदल सको तो चलो

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