Tuesday, April 13, 2010

महमूदपुर कैंप, गंज और आगरा

वो सुबह कभी तो आयेगी

इन काली सदियों के सर से जब रात का आँचल ढलकेगा
जब दुःख के बादल पिघलेंगे और सुख का सागर छलकेगा
जब अम्बर झूम के नाचेगा जब धरती नगमे गाएगी

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी

माना कि अभी तेरे मेरे अरमानों की कीमत कुछ भी नहीं
मिटटी का भी है कुछ मोल मगर इंसानों की कीमत कुछ भी नहीं
इंसानों की कीमत जब झूठे सिक्कों में न तौली जायेगी

वो सुबह कभी तो आयेगी

नहीं नहीं आज की हमारी ये सुबह वो सुबह नहीं है जिस का इंतज़ार करते करते साहिर चले गए और न जाने कितनी पीढियां और चली जायेंगी। लेकिन ये भी सच है कि अपने limited sphere में काम करती अनुभूति की टीम को इस बात का यकीन है कि जिन लोगों के बीच हम काम कर रहे हैं उनकी हर सुबह को खुशनुमा बनाने की हमारी ईमानदार कोशिश कुछ न कुछ बदलाव तो ज़रूर लायेगी।

और इसी का परिणाम है कि टीम बहुत ही commitment और focussed तरीके से काम में जुटी है। Alarm के बजने से पहले ही सब उठना शुरू हो गए। 6 लोग और एक बाथरूम , Hostel जैसी स्थिति , हर कोई अपने Turn का इंतज़ार करता। अब हम लोग उम्र के उस पड़ाव पर हैं जहाँ सब की कुछ आदतें पडी हुयी हैं किसी को उठते ही चाय चाहिए तो किसी को coffee. Anuj had promised to bring bed tea and although nobody believed him almost everyone was waiting for him. He surprised everyone when he turned up with a thermous full of tea.

We reached the camp site simultaneously with the doctors and it went off well। But we need to improve upon the timings of doctors as despite our best efforts they turn up around 11. That should not be the case in Bhargain where the turn out is expected to be much larger. We hope Bhaskar will take necessary remedial measures.

There were a few appointments lined up for us at Ganjdundwara by Mohit and Sajid. The most prominent among them being with Shri Anil Gupta who had travelled all the way long from Farrukhabad to introduce us to people who matter in Ganj. Dr. Rajeev Gupta was one among them. A very popular doctor he was more than warm about our programmes. Thanx Anil Bhai for the pains taken, but we will keep troubling you in future too and try to keep the promise of visiting you at Farrukhabad.

Back in the camp about 700 people took consultations and medicines. The turnout was good as people from nearby villages had also come. There were demands from Sunngarhi side for a camp in future. We think the executive can consider it after Bhargain.

There are a few in house issues raised by Dharmendra that need to be addressed. First and foremost discipline amongst ourselves, secondly tighter control on medicine distribution for there are quite a few leakages and better financial management.

On return this time we were lucky to meet Gangwar sir and Shailendra at Agra. For us from Sainik School it was a great reunion with Sanjeev Sharma who has now become Dr Rajesh Gautam. We hope to see him again at the Bhargain Camp.

It would be good if we meet this sunday at Aligarh and make the final preparations for Bhargain. This would also give us an opportunity to meet Zeya Imam, Haris-ul-islam and Abdul Sami Khan.

Looking forward to that opportunity

Team Anubhuti

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