Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bhargain ; Where serving is a pleasure.

एक  वादा एक विश्वास. और उसीका नतीजा था भरगेंन में हमारा दूसरा कैंप. दुश्वारियां बहुत थीं लेकिन अहद पक्का था और यही वजह रही कि हम इसे मुमकिन कर सके.

24 जुलाई से ही टीम अपने लोगों की खिदमत के लिए निकल पडी. डॉक्टर मोहम्मद शाहिद, मोहम्मद आरिफ, अनुज सक्सेना और मनीष जैन तो हमारे साथी हैं ही इस बार महावीर इंटरनेशनल के कौशलेन्द्र जी भी हमारे साथ थे. महावीर इंटरनेशनल की एक पूरी टीम जो इस कैंप के लिए आने वाली थी.

Eye Care के क्षेत्र में Mahavir International का अप्रतिम योगदान है. दिल्ली को cataract free करने के संकल्प के साथ वो काम कर रहे हैं. 1979 से शुरू कर स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में उन्होंने अपने लिए एक विशिष्ट स्थान बनाया है. ऐसी प्रतिष्ठित संस्था को भरगेंन वासियों की सेवा में लाने का एक मात्र मकसद ये था कि  हमारे लोगों को भी नयी से नयी और अच्छी से अच्छी स्वास्थ्य सेवाएँ उपलब्ध हो सकें. शुक्र गुज़ार हैं हम जनाब अजय चौधरी साहेब के जिनके ताव्वुन से ये मुमकिन हो सका.

दो venues की अपनी दिक्कतें होती हैं और इसीलिए ये मुनासिब समझा गया कि कैंप एक ही जगह हो. बरात घर पर तैयारियों को लेकर सब इकठ्ठा हुए. बरेली से श्री राम मूर्ती स्मारक ट्रस्ट से भी साथी लोग पहुँच चुके थे. मोहित के होम वर्क और असलम भाई की मेहरबानी से उन लोगों को भी आने में और रुकने में कोई तकलीफ नहीं हुयी. साजिद भाई छिद्दन भाई अब्दुर रहमान साहब और चुन्ना भाई की मौजूदगी से हर चीज़ बहुत आसान सी लगने लगी.

किसी भी बड़े कार्यक्रम में last minute blues तो हमेशा रहते ही हैं और वो भी खास तौर से तब जब कि लोगों को दूर दूर से आना हो. महावीर इंटरनेशनल की टीम जिसको उषा कपूर मैडम के नेत्रत्व में शाम तीन बजे दिल्ली से निकल जाना था she could start only at around 1800 hrs. Then the team had inputs that were quite scary. They were given to understand that there is no place worth the name where they can hope to stay for night at Etah. Further reaching Bhargain would be a nightmare as there is no road. We are happy we could dispel those doubts. Thanx Mahavir International for trusting us and being there.

Team from Lucknow which had Sriniwas Mishra alongwith Dharmendra Sachan, Thakur Amarjeet Singh and Sudhir Tyagi arrived simultaneously. Krishna Sisodiya and others travelled all the way from Dewas and Ratlam to contribute. We fall short of words in expressing our gratitude to Aslam Bhai and his wife who hosted all of us with such a delicious lunch. Their affection and the affection of the people of Bhargain is our strength. And Insha Allah this will lead us to serve the people of Bhargain in a manner it has never been done before.

After tieing up things at Bhargain we came to Etah to look after the Mahavir International Team. Babloo remained awake till two when they finally arrived and settled them seamlessly. Bhaskar Sharma hosted a nice dinner for the team at Aligarh. Thanks Bhaskar for all the pains you took. And Congratulations you have been blessed with another son. The team is looking for a party.

The Team from Shree Ram Moorti Smarak Trust arrived at Aliganj and was completely looked after by Aslam Bhai. And knowing how warm and caring he is we know Barielly Team would definitely have been more than comfortable. Thanx Aditya for sending your team.

The morning of 25th july had overcast skies and that was worrying. But then everything was put in place well in time. Sajid Malik sahab and Vimal Mishra deserve special thanks for the effort they put in. All the doctors were there dot in time and camp picked up really well.

At a very personal level the high point of this camp was the team Zeya Imam brought from Aligarh Muslim University. Zeya it has taken you almost a year to travel from Aligarh to be with us but when you have reached ,we know the journey is going to be far smoother and worth travelling. आप देर से पहुंचे मगर दुरुस्त पहुंचे. Thanx are due to Ali Amir Bhai who sent the community medicine team  whose contribution was immense.

In all around 2000 patients were examined and given free medicines. This despite heavy showers we had in between. All of us at Anubhuti have a feeling that all those who came to Bhargain will have fond memories of this camp and will return to this place whenever we get a chance to serve again.

Thanks are also due to Neena Pandey Head of the Department of Social Work at Aditi College University of Delhi who travelled to Bhargain to be a part of Anubhuti journey. She is drawing up many a plans for positive intervention in Bhargain. May God bless her.

Special mention needs to be made about the young brigade of Bhargain whose heart really beats for Bhargain namely Abdur Rahman Khan, Rauf  Ahmad Khan and their entire Team who made it possible. Thank you so much for being there and contributing.

Those who attended: Rafeeq Bhai and his team who travelled from Delhi, Rajesh Yadav and his Jalesar Team who travelled from Lucknow/Jalesar, Krishna Sisodiya and others from Dewas/ Ratlam, Rohit Jain, Manish Jain, Anuj Saxena, Mohammad Shahid, Mohammad Arif, Mohammad Aslam Khan, Chhiddan Khan, Syed Zeya Imam , Gyanendra Mishra and the AMU Team, Mahavir International Delhi and Shree Ram Moorti Smarak Trust Barielly, Dharmendra Sachan, Sudhir Tyagi, Thakur Amarjeet Singh, Sriniwas Mishra, Mohit Gupta, Alok Gupta, Sameer Krishna, Babloo (Sanjay Varshneya), Sajan Dev and many more.

Those who were missed: Ajay Chaudhry, Manoj Jha, Aftab Ahmed khan, Sanjay Sahrawat, Peeyush Kant, Arun pathak, Kamal Singh, Sajid Farid Shapoo and Dr Sharad Gupta.

प्रसंग वश
         कर्मों में अधिकार तेरा
मत चिंता कर क्या फल मिलना है
      फल जैसा भी हो तुझको
  तो कर्म निरंतर ही करना है ..

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