Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The winter & the blankets

Last year during the same time we had lot of problems travelling because of fog. Therefore it was considered appropriate to travel a day in advance. On 24th December we left for Etah. Shahid and Anuj joined from Delhi. Dharmendra joined from Mathura. Luckily there was no fog and we reached by 930 PM at Etah.

Sudhir could not reach as he was indisposed. Babloo and Sajan joined from Etah and we reached Patiyali at 1030. Sajid bhai came over and we started for Gathaura. A village where access is difficult and no one bothers to go.We distributed blankets here and then went to Rikaira, Nagla Dular, Nagla Tikuri, RamTal and Nagla Mehari to help around 600 people with blankets.

Thanks are due to Karunendra, Sanjeev and Anuj for contributing the blankets. Next day we also went to Fatehpur and helped a few needy there as well.

Return was timely as we reached Delhi at 1030 PM. Thanx to every one who was a part of this journey.

Team Anubhuti

Friday, December 23, 2011


कैसे चुपचाप मर जाते हैं कुछ लोग यहाँ
जिस्म की ठंडी सी
तारीक सियाह कब्र के अंदर!
न किसी सांस की आवाज़
न सिसकी कोई
न कोई आह, न जुम्बिश
न ही आहट कोई

ऐसे चुपचाप ही मर जाते हैं कुछ लोग यहाँ
उनको दफ़नाने की ज़हमत भी उठानी नहीं पड़ती !


That is how it is.

कितना आसान लगता था
ख़्वाब में नए रंग भरना
आसमाँ मुट्ठी में करना
ख़ुश्बू से आँगन सजाना
बरसात में छत पर नहाना

कितना आसान लगता था

जिंदगी में पर हक़ीक़त
ख़्वाब सी बिलकुल नहीं है
जिंदगी समझौता है इक
कोई जिद चलती नहीं है

जिंदगी में पर हक़ीक़त
ख़्वाब सी बिलकुल नहीं है

श्रद्धा जैन 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Heart Check up Camp at Ganjdundwara

As decided we conducted a two day free heart and health check up camp at Sherwani College at Ganjdundwara in collaboration with Escorts Heart Institute.

The Escorts team left a day in advance. They were taken care of by Babloo at Etah. Arun Pathak, Anuj Saxena and Mohd Arif joined from Delhi. Dharmendra joined enroute at Mathura and got us nice breakfast at Brijwasi Royal. Sudhir joined at Sikandara Rau. Sajan and Babloo along with Dr. Harendra came from Etah.

On reaching Ganj there were issues as always. Doctors had few requirements which took us some time to organise. But once it began, it was one big event. Senior citizens in large numbers turned up and benefited. The doctors from Escorts felt it was really needed here.

The lunch was arranged at Manish Chauhan's place and it was timely served. Some of us returned as we had pressing engagements at Delhi but Sudhir, Dharmendra, Anuj, Babloo held the forteand got the camp conducted the camp next day as well.

Thanx are due to all those who came and all those who wish us well even if they are not able to be physically present.

The struggle is eternal and we shall carry on.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cancer Screening Programme at Patiyali

समय की दुश्वारी और कमज़ोर होती याददाश्त इस पोस्ट को मुश्किल बना रहे हैं. 29th अक्टूबर की ही तो बात है लेकिन इधर उधर की भाग दौड़, मानव मन पर परिस्थितिजन्य तनाव और लिखने की मुश्किलों के दौर में हो सकता है ऐसा कुछ छूट जाय जो काफी अहम रहा हो तो माफ़ कीजियेगा.

तिथियों को लेकर काफी अनिश्चय की स्थिति रही. आखिर में we could agree on 29th. 28th evening we started for Etah. Dr. Amitabh Sandilium and his team from the reputed Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Research Institute also started simultaneously. Dharmendra was kind enough to arrange for the accomodation of the team at Mathura. Rajeev Rai travelled all the way from Varanasi with family by road to join this camp. Shailendra was as always the generous host to Rajeev at Agra.

Mohit, Anuj, Shahid , Sudhir all converged at Etah. Anuj brought the OHP and the screen to enable a power presentation on Cancer. The last minute blues never miss us. Sajan reached Patiyali simultaneously with us. Bhaskar gave us the slip.Lady doctors promised by Dr. Poornesh were missing. Timely intervention by Abdul Sami and Sameer saved the day.

On arrival at Patiyali we found Sajid Malik cleaning the chairs. Sajid Bhai this commitment of yours is an inspiration for all of us. The camp was smooth. Unfortunately we had 15 detections and most of them amongst young women. We hope they will follow up with due treatment. Hospital and the doctors were generous to promise all support and even monetary discounts if required.Thanx Dr. Amitabh.

The return was long but smooth. Thanx are due to all fellow travellers but in particular to Rajeev Rai & Babloo whose contribution was more than immense.

Team Anubhuti

Monday, October 24, 2011

Diwali Wishes

पिघलने दो बर्फ़ होते सपनों को
कि बनते रहें
आँखों में उजालों के नए प्रतिबिम्ब

छूने दो अल्हड़ पतंगों को
आकाश की हदें
कि गढ़े जाएँ ऊँचाई के नित नए प्रतिमान

बढ़ने दो शोर हौंसलों का
कि घुलते रहें
रोशनी के नए रंग
ज़िन्दगी में हर अँधेरे के विरुद्ध। 

May we have a safe and Happy Diwali

Team Anubhuti

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cancer Screening Programme at Patiyali

This 29th October A team of doctors from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Research Institute will visit Patiyali and will conduct a free cancer screening camp apart from Cancer Awareness campaign. All those who can, may please join us.

Team Anubhuti

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Gandhi Jayanti

We thought organising the quiz would be so easy. How wrong we were. From designinig the question paper to announcing the results it was one big task. The certficates were to be designed and printed. Awards were to befinalised. Exam was to be conducted and answer sheets to be evaluated.

Shahid just returned from Bihar with Manoj Bhai and was obviously not available. But he came when it mattered most Thank you Shahid ji. Photocopying the required numbers was done courtesy Shahid and Manoj Bhai and courtesy was not necessarily in that order.

Anuj could join us despite his engagements. We had planned a night stay enroute at Mathura, but Dharmendra was away and therefore it was deemed appropriate to travel to Etah. We reached at two in the night. Morning Sudhir joined us from Lucknow travelling by bus from Aligarh to Etah.

Babloo came along from Etah. When we reached Patiyali the stage was set. There were 400 students properly seated waiting for the Quiz. It started at 1115 and was over by 1215. The evaluation turned out to be a long drawn and tedious process. Many lessons learnt.

Boys and Girls performed on the dais. Some spoke on Gandhiji while some made cultural presentations. SDM Patiyali Atul Kumar was kind enough to preside. A nice soul, we think we will meet him more often.

The programme continued till 1630 and nobody moved. The first prize was won by Abhishek Singh from Sidhpura and there were tears in his eyes. Awards were given for third and fourth position apart from 25 consolations.

The team felt programme was a success. Good. Congratulations. Oh yes when it was all over Dharmendra came travelling from Mathura after his return from Allahabad. Well Thanx Bhai.

Those who made it possible: Manoj Bhai, Himanshu, Shahid, Anuj Saxena, Sajid Malik, Babloo, Sudhir Tyagi, ( Rajesh, Daya Ram, Sudesh, Saurabh, Satish, Ajay, Dangwal - the team that worked on question paper), Praveen Yadav, Shahid patiyali, Ajay Mishraji and many others whose contribution is no less.

Team Anubhuti

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Health remains our concern

Anubhuti has tied up with Rajeev Gandhi Cancer Research Institute Delhi for a Cancer Screening Programme in Patiyali area on 29th October 2011. Come join us in doing whatever little we can.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Small Steps

 समाचार पत्रों मैं यह खबर बराबर आ रही थी कि पटियाली के  बाढ़ प्रभावित गावों में संक्रामक बीमारियों ने अपने पाँव पसार लिए हैं. साथ ही सरकारी या कोई गैर सरकारी मदद वहाँ नहीं पहुँच पा रही है. इन परिस्थितियों में अनुभूति टीम ने एक mobile health unit के साथ इन गाँवों में पहुँचने का प्रयास किया.

24 सितम्बर को डॉ पूर्णेश चन्द्र के नेतृत्व में एक चिकित्सकों का दल अलीगढ से आया. भास्कर हमेशा की तरह सूत्र धार बने. साजन और उनकी टीम बबलू के नेतृत्व में एटा से आयी. सुधीर लखनऊ से , मोहित , अनुज दिल्ली से इस यात्रा के सहयात्री रहे.

शहबाजपुर,उलाई खेडा , गणेशपुर भाटान, नागर कंचनपुर और सुन्नगढ़ी में लगभग एक हज़ार पीड़ितों को हम लोग कुछ राहत पहुंचा सके.

यह संभव हुआ साजिद भाई , मनीष भाई, संजय भाई और  अनेक लोगों के सहयोग से जो अनुभूति के मिशन  से  प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप से जुड़े हैं.

It was decided that we will celebrate Gandhi Jayanti by conducting a quiz for Xth and XIIth class students at Patiyali. Some tribute to the father of the nation.

Anubhuti Team

Friday, August 26, 2011

This is our Government

हमारे राज में
फूलों में ख़ुशबू !
कुफ़्र है ये तो !

हमारे राज में
शम्माँ है रौशन !
कुफ़्र है ये तो !

हमारे राज में
कोयल भला ये
कैसे गाती है ?

कोई जासूस लगती है
किसे ये भेद बताती है
हमारे राज में
क्यों तारे चमके
चाँद क्यों निकला
दिलों में रौशनी कैसी !
ये सूरज क्यों भला चमका ?
हमारा राज है तो
बस अँधेरा ही रहे कायम
हरेक आँख में आँसू हो
लब चुप रहें  हरदम

हमारे राज में
तारे बुझा दो
सूरज गुल कर दो
हवा के तेवर तीख़े हैं
हवा पे साँकले धर दो

हमारा लफ़्ज़े-आख़िर है
हमारी ही हुकूमत है
हमारे से जुदा हो सच कोई
ये तो बग़ावत है

हमारे राज में ये कौन साज़िश कर रहा देखो
हमारे राज में ये कौन जुंबिश कर रहा देखो

ये कौन लोग हैं जो आज भी मुस्कुराते हैं
ये कौन लोग हैं जो ज़िंदगी के गीत गाते हैं
ये कौन लोग हैं मरते नहीं जो मौत के भी बाद
ये कौन लोग हैं हक़ की सदा करते हैं ज़िंदाबाद

ज़रा तुम ढूँढ कर लाओ हमारे ऐ सिपाहियो
इन्हे जेलों में डालो और ख़ूब यातनाएँ दो
अगर फिर भी न माने तो इन्हे फाँसी चढ़ा दो तुम
इन्हे ज़िंदा जला दो तुम, समंदर में बहा दो तुम

हमारा राज है आख़िर
किसी का सर उठा क्यों हो
ये इतनी फौज क्यों रखी है
ज़रा तो डर किसी को हो

हमारी लूट पर बोले कोई
ये किसकी जुर्रत है
हमें झूठा कहे कोई
सरासर ये हिमाक़त है

ये कौन जनता के वकील हैं
जनता के डाक्टर
ये कौन सच के कलमकार हैं
दीवाने मास्टर

हमारे से अलग सोचें जो वो सब राजद्रोही हैं
हमीं तो देश हैं, बाकी जो हैं सब देशद्रोही हैं

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Floods again

कटरी क्षेत्र एक बार फिर बाढ़ की विभीषिका झेल रहा है. ऐसा नहीं है की बारिश बहुत हुयी है, it is just that water is let off from dams and the area is submerged. Such gross negligence on the part of government machinery, for failing to manage a flood that is man made, is simply criminal.

We have in our own little way tried to chip in. Anubhuti has gifted a boat to the local police to attend to the emergencies arising out of these floods. We are also gearing up to provide medical help wherever required.

The two Roza Iftaars at Myaoo and Ganjdundwara were smooth and successful largely due to the efforts put in by Malik M. Sajid 'Kalam'.

Thanx are due to Prabhat Bhai, Shahid, Anuj Saxena, Dharmendra, Sudhir, Babloo, Sameer and others who made it possible.

Team Anubhuti

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Events Ahead

   Roza Iftaar




Monday, July 18, 2011

Inspite of all Odds

That is what Manoj Bhai said about the success of the programme we organised in Patiyali to  honour the students who had excelled in the Intermediate and High School exams. Manorama Year Book and books donated by Ajay Mishraji of Swaraj Pakashan were gifted to all those who scored 75% or more.

The rains were heavy and the turn out therefore was expected to be low. But students braved the rains and turned out in large numbers.They posed questions to the panel which had eminent IAS, IPS, PCS, Customs & Central Excise officers and eminent educationists who had gathered at Patiyali  for career counselling.

Mr. Sanoj Kumar Jha IAS was kind enough to travel all the way from Delhi to Patiyali to guide the young students. Manoj Bhai made the event memorable for all those who were present by making the session interactive. Shahid and  Bhaskar reached early from Aligarh to tie up the logistics. Sajid Malik the low profile architect of the event put his heart and soul into it to ensure that every thing was in order. Rajeev Das of Saint Pauls School and Deepak Sharma came from Etah to be a part.

Mohit  Gupta, Mohd. Arif, Sudhir Tyagi, Dharmendra Sachan, Sanjay Varshney "Babloo", Sajan Dev, Manish Chauhan, Sanjay Yadav and Praveen Yadav were in attendence. Office Bearers of Anubhuti were also there in full strength.

The return journey was tiring to say the least. Sudhir had a tough time as his reservation was partly confirmed and Mrs. Tyagi had to travel sleeping on the floor of the coach. Such sacrifices make us stronger and push us forward.

Floods will any time strike the Patiyali area and we are gearing up to face the challenge.

Team Anubhuti

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Kakrala Camp

Arun called on 1st to ask if he could come along for the health camp on 5th. It was such a morale booster particularly when things are difficult and mercury is soaring.

Delhi team this time had Mohit, Arif, Arun and Shahid. Dharmendra joined Sudhir from Kanpur and we assembled at Etah. Babloo was considerate enough to meet us as soon as we reached there and Mohit & Arun enjoyed a warm glass (or was it cool) of milk courtesy him. The light kept playing hide and seek. The AC did not work and yet we slept well.

Dr. Harendra the lone warrior from Agra drove down to attend the camp. Thank you Bhai. Dr. Poornesh Chandra and his team came from Aligarh. Bhaskar Bhai is getting conspicuous by his absence. It was very hot at Kadarganj the venue of the camp. But that did not deter people from coming and it was an impressive turn out of 1200 beneficiaries.

In between we visited Sakeet and it was a good break. The visit to Khana ka Nagla can also be mentioned here. We could gift a lot of items to Seema for her marriage and it was good to see smiling faces in a village that had been ravaged by fire.

On return to Patiyali, the Tilak ceremony of Amit Dwivedi was attended. Marriage on 7th could not be attended. Sudhir left for Lucknow all alone and that was a dampener. Let us hope he doent have to travel alone to Lucknow next time.

Dharmendra kept us company till Mathura and then it was the regular stuff. One by one we finally reached our destinations at 2 AM.

On the Bhargain camp some lines were quoted. Relevant here to quote the next few:

     अनचाहा या मनचाहा
जैसा भी हो परिणाम धनञ्जय
  अनासक्त सम्बुद्धियुक्त तू
नित्य किये जा काम धनञ्जय

Team Anubhuti

Friday, June 03, 2011

Kakrala and Ganj

On 28th and 29th May, a small team of Anubhuti visited Kakrala and Ganjdundwara. At kakrala the marriage of Soni was solemnised. There were smiles around although the signs of fire at that place could still be seen. Anubhuti made a small contribution in bringing back those smiles. Soni's father was a much relieved man.

Visit to Ganj was more to keep a promise than any thing else. It was a cricket tournament that was concluding. Pankaj Glass Works of Ferozabad won defeating the local Ganj team. Prizes were distributed.

Sudhir returned to Lucknow on 28th itself as he had some engagements. Dharmendra has moved to Mathura so he kept company till Mathura.

This visit was made possible by Shailendra, Sudhir, Dharmendra, Babloo, Sajid, Shahid and Amjad.

Another Health Camp, another journey in the making.

Team Anubhuti

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hum Dekhenge

हम देखेंगे
लाजिम है कि हम भी देखेंगे
वह दिन कि जिसका वादा है

जो लौहे अज़ल पे लिखा है
जब ज़ुल्मों सितम के कोहे गरां
रुई की तरह उड़ जायेंगे

हम महकूमों के पाँव तले
जब धरती धड धड धडकेगी

और अहले हुकम के सर ऊपर
जब बिजली कड़ कड़ कड़केगी

जब अर्जे खुदा के काबे से
जब बुत उठवाये जायेंगे

जब अहले वफ़ा मरदूदे हरम
मसनद पे बिठाये जायेंगे
जब ताज उछाले जायेंगे
जब तख़्त गिराए जायेंगे

बस नाम रहेगा अल्लाह का

जो गायब भी है हाज़िर भी
जो मंज़र भी है नाज़िर भी

उठेगा अनल हक का नारा
जो मैं भी हूँ और तुम भी हो

और राज करेगी खल्के खुदा
जो मैं भी हूँ और तुम भी हो.


Event Ahead

      Health Camp


पूर्व माध्यमिक विद्यालय


  05 जून 2011

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

And it continues

कासगंज/पटियाली। पटियाली क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत दो अलग-अलग अग्निकांड की घटनाएं हुई, जिनमें १६ घर आग की भेंट चढ़ गए। इसमें ७० हजार की नकदी के अलावा गल्ला, लहसुन, तंबाकू सहित अन्य घरेलू सामान राख हो गया। एक भैंस भी आग की चपेट में आकर झुलस गई। फायर कर्मियों ने आग की घटनाओं पर काबू पाया।

बरौना में अज्ञात कारणों से लगी आग में जगन्नाथ, मेघनाथ, सोमपाल, बाबूराम, राकेश, कप्तान, फूल सिंह के घर आग की भेंट चढ़ गए। इन घरों में रखी ७० हजार की नकदी भी आग से जल गई। घरों में रखा, लहसुन, तंबाकू, गल्ला भी आग की भेंट चढ़ गया। आग की घटना से ग्रामीणों में हड़कंप मच गया। ग्रामीणों ने आग बुझाने के काफी प्रयास किए, लेकिन वे सफल नहीं हुए। सूचना पर पहुंची फायर बिग्रेड ने काफी प्रयास के बाद आग की घटनाओं पर काबू पाया।

दूसरा हादसा ग्राम ककराला में हुआ। अग्निकांड के चलते सूरज, नेकसे, गंगाराम, राजेश्वर, संजीव, अचल, जागन, शंकर, सुधीर के घर खाक हो गए। संजीव की भैंस आग की चपेट में आ जाने से झुलस गई। आग की लपटें उठती देख ग्रामीण दौड़ पड़े। ग्रामीणों के द्वारा आग बुझाने के प्रयास शुरू कर दिए गए। लेकिन ग्रामीण आग बुझाने में कामयाब नहीं हो सके। फायर बिग्रेड अग्निकांड की सूचना पर पहुंची। फायर कर्मियों ने मशक्कत के बाद आग पर काबू पाया। अग्निकांड के चलते इन ग्रामीणों के घर में रखी, तंबाकू, लहसुन की फसल खाक हो गई। इसके अलावा भूसे की बुर्जियां और बिटोरे भी आग में जलकर राख हो गए।

Camp and After

Patiyali is prone to floods and fire. There are villages like Nardauli where fires are an annual feature. Number of houses get gutted every year and yet there is no strategy to encounter the problem. Collector took the pains to visit the village this time when 30 houses were gutted, but nothing beyond that. A cheque of 1000 Rs has been doled to the victims. Anubhuti has also extended its hand of help but where does it lead to? Why cant we have some fire fighting equipment installed at Nardauli? Why cant we have a fire station at Patiyali? Questions are asked and answers never come.

Even while the camp at Badaula was going on we again got the news of raging fire at Nardauli. Later that day we were also informed that houses got burnt in Khanaa ka Nagla also. Seema was to get married in early May had her whole house gutted. Anubhuti has taken upon itself the responsibility to get her married gracefully when ever it is rescheduled. But systems dont respond.

The camp at Badaula was successful as 2000 patients turned up. Babloo and Anuj had tied up for Eye Check up which was great.Dr. Harendra reached despite his busy schedule. Neena, Shahid, Mohit and Anuj joined from Delhi. Dharmendra and Amarjeet came from Lucknow. Arif, Qamar bhai and Khalid came from Hapur, Bulandshahar and Aligarh. Poornesh Chandra and his team reached in time from Aligarh although Bhaskar slipped away.Babloo, Sajan Dev, Sameer krishna, Rajesh dixit came from Etah. Malik M. Sajid, Shahid, Amjad, Manish Chauhan, Sanjay Yadav, Amit Dwivedi, Dr. Safdar, Sanjay from Badaula all joined in. Thanx a lot.

Bhaskar Bhai lost his mother. All of us at Anubhuti are struck with grief. May God give us the strength to tide over the loss.

Team Anubhuti

Thursday, April 07, 2011

What a poem !

धुंधली  हुई   दिशाएं,    छाने लगा कुहासा
कुचली हुयी शिखा से आने लगा धुंआ सा .
कोई मुझे बता दे , क्या आज हो रहा है
मुंह को छिपा तिमिर में क्यों तेज सो रहा है?
दाता, पुकार मेरी , संदीप्ति को जिला दे
बुझती हुयी शिखा को संजीवनी पिला  दे
प्यारे  स्वदेश  के  हित  अंगार   मांगता   हूँ
चढ़ती जवानियों का श्रृंगार माँगता   हूँ.

बेचैन हैं हवाएं, सब ओर बेकली है
कोई नहीं बताता किश्ती किधर चली है
मंझधार है भंवर है या पास है किनारा
यह नाश आ रहा है या सौभाग्य का सितारा?
आकाश पर अनल से लिख दे अद्र्ष्ट मेरा
भगवान  इस तरी को भरमा न दे अँधेरा.
तम वेधिनी किरण का संधान माँगता हूँ
ध्रुव की कठिन घड़ी में पहचान मांगता हूँ.

आगे पहाड़ को पा धारा रुकी हुयी है
बल पुंज केसरी की ग्रीवा झुकी हुयी है
अग्निस्फुलिंग राज का बुझ ढेर हो रहा है
है रो रही जवानी, अंधेर हो रहा है.
निर्वाक है हिमालय, गंगा डरी हुयी है
निस्तब्धता निशा की दिन मैं भरी हुई है.
पंचास्य नाद भीषण , विकराल माँगता हूँ
जड़ता विनाश को फिर भूचाल मांगता हूँ.

आंसू भरे दृगों में चिंगारियां सजा दे
मेरे शमशान में आ श्रृंगी ज़रा बजा दे
फिर एक  तीर  सीनों  के आर  पार  कर  दे 
हिमशीत में प्राण में फिर अंगार स्वच्छ भर दे
आमर्ष को जगाने वाली शिखा नयी दे
अनुभूतियाँ ह्रदय में दाता अनलमयी  दे 
विष का सदा लहू में संचार मांगता हूँ
बेचैन ज़िन्दगी का में प्यार मांगता हूँ.

ठहरी हुई तरी को ठोकर लगा चला दे
जो राह हो हमारी उस पर दिया जला दे
गति में प्रभंजनों का आवेग फिर सबल दे 
इस जांच की घड़ी में निष्ठां कड़ी अचल दे
हम दे चुके लहू हैं तू देवता विभा दे
अपने अनल विशिख से आकाश जगमगा दे
प्यारे स्वदेश के हित वरदान मांगता हूँ
तेरी दया विपद में भगवान् मांगता हूँ.

        रामधारी सिंह दिनकर 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Events Ahead

Free Health Camp
17th April 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shahbazpur Camp

It wasnt just a camp at Shahbazpur. It showed  our resolve for community service at the worst of times. 13 तारीख को ही अध्यक्षा   की बहन की तेरहवीं भी थी. But we had to move with the scheduled programme. Shahid was away to Lucknow with Manoj Bhai. Dharmendra was caught up in Lucknow professionally. Mohit has got his hand fractured. What do we do?

Anuj as always came along. Sajan, Babloo, Sajid Malik and others took over. Sudhir came from Lucknow. The Camp was conducted with out any hassle. About 1200 patients were treated. It seems the organisation is growing beyond individuals and will last. Going is tough and the nerves are being tested. We shall hang on.

Team Anubhuti

Friday, March 04, 2011

Events Ahead

Health Camp

13th March 2011

The Camp at Kusaul

कुसौल के कैंप मैं काफी कुछ नया था. पोस्टर्स नए कलेवर में आये और काफी भाए भी. सुधार का स्कोप तो फिर भी है ही. सखावत के साथ MCRC, Jamia Milia Islamia की student team भी थी. फैज़, हर्ष और पलक इसमें शामिल हुए. देर से इस पोस्ट का फायदा ये है कि there is a happy development on the front of Sakhawat. He has joined as a regular faculty at AMU's new centre at Murshidabad. We all are so happy for you Sakhawat. Congratulations.

All of us attended the marriage of Umesh Aryaji's son at Ganjdundwara. Met Dr. Rajeev Gupta and many other friends.Babloo's presence always makes things so easy.

In the morning it was business as usual. Dr. Harendra Kumar came from Agra. This time Dr. Sharad Gupta the renowned paediatrician from Agra drove down at our request. Dr Rajeev Saxena also joined. Dr. Poornesh Chandra and his team came along with Bhaskar although they had to return from Ratibhanpur to come via Kasganj as there was a massive traffic jam because of an accident.

Dharmendra had come in advance and had been waiting for us at Sameer's place. Sudhir came in the morning and repented having got down at Shikohabad as buses were difficult to find for Etah.Ashok mamaji was gracious to join the event after a long wait.

Sajid Bhai and Shahid came from Patiyali. Manish bhai and Sanjay Bhai were already there. There were long queues already by the time we reached. Women turn out was good. Kiranji and Palak hit an instant rapport with them. There were short speaches that were well received.

The camp was conducted with out any hitch and about two thousand people benefitted. The return journey was good. We dined at Mathura and reached safe. Dharmendra and Sudhir travelled by bus but were home by morning.

Anubhuti has tied up with Transpack to provide vocational training to BPL families and get them placed at the factories where they are trained. That should bring some smiles. Thanx Gyanendra Bhai for showing us the way. Thanx Bhasar for taking Akash to Patiyali and getting Vimal and Sajid Bhai briefed.

Anubhuti has also got registered for exemption under Section 80G of the income tax act. So donors can consider donating to Anubhuti. This was made possible through untiring efforts Sudhir made over the last one year. Thanx are also due to Captain Joshi for his help.

Will have to end this post at a very sad note. Our President Kiran Yadavji lost her elder sister who died at a very young age of 40. Sajan lost his brother in law at Aligarh who was popular in Etah as welll.May their souls rest in peace.May God give us the strength to bear the loss.

Team Anubhuti

Monday, February 14, 2011

Events Ahead

Health Camp
on 20th February 2011

The Camp at Gajaura

Memories are short and more so when we are overburdened. It is only a few days when we met at Gajaura and yet things are fading. Prabhat Bhai often says that more than any thing else Blog helps in archiving things. That is the precise purpose of this post. If something important is missing forgiveness is what we can ask for.

It was a big team of Doctors and friends this time. Arif, Sakhawat, Shahid, Vinay Mishra, Mohit Gupta, Anuj Saxena, Yogendra Uttam who was incidentally in Delhi and Col RC Yadav started from Delhi. We reached Etah at 2 AM. Dharmendra and Sudhir boarded Shatabdi and reached Sameer's place well in time.Enroute we had the worst dinner in recent times on this route. दाल में दाल ढूंढना मुश्किल था और आलू भी आलू जैसा न था. So if any of you travel on Delhi Mathura Highway dont stop on any dhaba named Manpasand.

Morning as usual was hectic. A quick bite at Sameer's place and rush to Patiyali where Sajid Bhai was waiting. Babloo and Sajan Dev came along and so did the team of Doctors from Aligarh. Dr. Harendra who has left RML to join SN Medical College Agra was kind enough to drive down all alone from Agra to make it convenient to attend the camp.

We went to Usmanpur to provide relief to two families who were affected in incidents of fire. When we reached Gajaura the camp was in full progress. People had turned up in large numbers and the turn out of females was particularly large. Manish Chauhan Bhai and Sanjay Bhai had really made tireless efforts to make the camp successful and successful it was. Everything went smooth. More than 1500 patients could be helped.

The return journey was fine although Dharmendra and Sudhir chose to travel by bus and Sudhir caught cold in the process. So far so good.

Team Anubhuti

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Events Coming Up

Health Camp
at Gajaura
Venue : भागीरथी जूनियर हाई स्कूल गजौरा
Date : 30 जनवरी 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year Wishes

नया साल शीत लहर के साथ आया है. कुहरा घना है लेकिन हम दूर तक देखने की कोशिश  में लगे हैं. In lighter vein yet on serious note ये सोचने का समय भी है कि हम खड़े हैं या पड़े हैं.

गए साल हमने बहुत मेहनत की. स्वास्थ्य शिविरों की श्रंखला निर्बाध गति से चलती रही और इसमें हम महावीर international और श्री राम मूर्ती स्मारक ट्रस्ट का सहयोग भी प्राप्त कर सके. आशा है इन संस्थाओं का सहयोग हमें आगे भी मिलता रहेगा.  आदित्य और अशोक जैन जी को ह्रदय से धन्यवाद. आभार उन सभी साथियों का जो इस सफ़र के हमसफ़र बने और उन डॉक्टर भाइयों का जिन्होंने दूरियों और देरियों की परवाह किये बिना हमारे साथ लाइन में खड़े अंतिम व्यक्ति तक राहत पहुंचाई.

बन्ने मियां जब राम मनोहर लोहिया हॉस्पिटल आये तो उन्हें बाई पास सर्जरी करानी होगी किसी ने सोचा भी न था. लेकिन जब ऐसी स्थिति बनी तो अनुभूति टीम डॉक्टर हरेन्द्र कुमार की मदद से सब कुछ ठीक से कराने में सफल रही. इसी तरह जब शरद 'लंकेश' जी ने विपिन पाण्डेय  के valve की  समस्या के साथ यह भी बताया कि AIIMS में एक साल के बाद नंबर आएगा हम लोग फिर खड़े हुए और 15 दिन के अन्दर RML से ऑपरेशन कराके विपिन को घर भेज सके. जब विपिन पटियाली में मुस्कुराते हुए मिलते हैं तो वह मुस्कराहट हमें और लगन और मेहनत से सेवा करने की प्रेरणा देती है.

जले हुए घर और बाढ़ से जूझते लोग अभी भी हमारी यादों में ताज़ा हैं. वो फिर उठ खड़े हुये हैं. सौभाग्य हमारा कि उन दिनों में हम उनका हाथ थाम कर साथ चल सके. भगवान न करे कि फिर ऐसी विपदा आये, जिससे कि हम अपनी ऊर्जा  disaster management की बजाय विकास के नये रास्ते तलाशने में लगा सकें.

इस वर्ष चुनौतियाँ बड़ी हैं, रास्ते कठिन हैं लेकिन संकल्प पक्का है इसलिए आशा है  जो ठाना है वो कर पायेंगे. सभी साथियों को आह्वान है नयी ऊर्जा के साथ जुटने का, बेड़ियाँ तोड़ने का, साहस जुटाने का और कुछ कर दिखाने का.

नए संकल्प लें
नए नारे गढ़ें फिर से
उठो संग्रामियो ! जागो !
नयी शुरुआत करने का समय फिर आ रहा है
कि जीवन को चटख गुलनार करने का समय फिर आ रहा है.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Team Anubhuti